Saturday, July 23, 2022

Funds From AARPA May Mean NO Raise In Millage For The City of Thomaston

City manager Russell Thompson informed Thomaston the City Council last week that federal stimulus funds of $1.6 million along with a surplus of funds for joint projects as well as the city applying a rollback millage rate would be beneficial for city residents, and that there would be no need for a tax increase.  The city will be setting the tentative mileage rate sometime in August.


Mayor Pro Tem Doug Head told 101 News “You know there's been so many good things that have happened over the last year. We finished building the new fire station at a cost of 2.7 million and we had a bond associated with it. We along with the county also have a new contract with AmeriPro ambulance service, and the city has responsibility related to that contract. We've had great service from them so that's a big improvement, but there's money associated with both of those things. We ran the numbers related to those items and it look like we'd need to raise the millage rate, maybe even as much as 2.5 Mils. Fortunately, we just received some funds from the government for AARPA ($1.634.157), related to COVID.


Given the state of the economy and the rising inflation. I think it's a general feeling, we haven't voted on it yet, but I think it's a general feeling of the council, that given the receipt of the AARPA funds, not to raise the millage rate and try to help the people of Thomaston through the difficulties of this year, and reevaluate next year”


1 Mil = approximately $250K

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