Wednesday, March 6, 2019


These statements will eventually be adopted by the city, county, school board and other organizations to be a compass to help guide our leaders in future decision making and be an addition to our Community’s Comprehensive Plan.

Arts & Culture--We have an appreciation for and a commitment to the arts and our local culture. We value organizations like Flint Rose Studios, Thomaston-Upson Arts Council, and Upson Lee Fine Arts Center for bringing us together to celebrate the visual arts, music, and traditions unique to our community.
Downtown Thomaston---Downtown Thomaston captures and conveys the spirit of our community because it is home to many of our one-of-kind locally-owned businesses, historic structures, and events. We appreciate the walkability of the Courthouse Square and the art-deco design of the Ritz Theater. We value being able to shop, eat, and visit with each other downtown at the local shops, the theater, and during various concerts and events.
Flint River/The Bluff---We believe the Flint River and Sprewell Bluff are two of the greatest assets our community has because they collectively provide us with magnificent scenic views and endless outdoor recreation opportunities that unite residents and attract visitors.
Local Assets---We appreciate the diversity and caliber of our unique local assets that range from The Rock Ranch to the Upson Regional Medical Center and directly impacts our overall sense of place and wellbeing.

Local Economy---Our community is fortunate to have a diverse base of small businesses investing in our community and that motivate us to support our economy by eating and shopping locally.
Natural Assets---We appreciate that overall our community has an abundance of natural resources which create beautiful open country views, clean fresh air, and offer residents and visitors a variety of outdoor opportunities to connect with nature and each other.

Parks & Recreation---We take pride in all of our local parks and recreation opportunities that they provide. Residents feel a special connection to the Greatest Generation Park and our strong recreation programs.
Public School System---We take pride in our local public school system because we understand and appreciate how it impacts the community by providing quality education and after-school programs. We cherish that we are recognized for and united by our school’s successful sports programs.

Small Town Feel ---We value the convenience, peacefulness, and safety of small-town life where relationships are built and maintained making this family-friendly community a great place to live.
The People---We value the people in our community who, through compassion, support and connectedness, lend to a sense of place, family, and belonging. We encourage our values being put into action through both individual and organized efforts.

Jennifer G. Rogers
Project Coordinator
Thomaston-Upson Community Heart & Soul

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