Friday, May 3, 2024

Daycare Worker Arrested

A Monroe County woman is in jail on Monday after she was seen on video hitting two children in a daycare center, according to an incident report from the Monroe County Sheriff's Office.

The report says on Friday around 10 a.m. a deputy was sent to Little Angels Daycare after a caller reported child abuse at the daycare.

When the deputy arrived, he spoke with the center director about the report of abuse.

The director then showed the deputy a video from Monday where an employee, 19-year-old Alyssa Barrett, was seen hitting two children. The director says Barrett was fired and parents were notified but it was not reported to law enforcement at the time.

During the video, Barrett was seen grabbing a three-year-old girl by her left arm and forcefully pulling her up from the floor. The report says the girl was lifted about two to three feet off the floor.

The child got up and ran across the room. She then sat down and cried while rubbing her arm. Barrett was also seen walking by the girl and hitting her.

A short time later, the report says Barrett was walking by a four-year-old boy lying on the floor on his back. The video shows Barrett hitting him on what appeared to be his lower chest area with an open hand.

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