Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Thomaston-Upson BOE Recognition

1. The GA School Nutrition Association selected Thomaston-Upson School Nutrition as the November District of the Month. GA School Nutrition cited several impressive initiatives that our School Nutrition program has helped to implement within our schools that are having a positive impact on our students and helping to elevate school nutrition in Georgia. Congratulations to Mrs. Karen Puckett, Mrs. Rachel Ash, and all of our school nutrition personnel.

2. Congratulations to the Upson-Lee Middle School and Upson-Lee High School band, chorus, and drama students and their directors for providing our schools and community with wonderful holiday performances over the past few weeks. We have such talented students in our fine arts programs, and it is great to see those students performing on stage at the Upson-Lee Fine Arts Center.


3. I want to say a big thank you to our students and staff for their kindness and commitment to serving our community, especially during the holidays. This year, the Thomaston-Upson School System collected 6,877 nonperishable food items for The Empty Stocking Fund. School totals were: ULPK 446 food items; ULPS 1668; ULES 3456; ULMS 672; and ULHS 635. TU staff and students collected more than 250 toys, raised more than four thousand dollars and sponsored 27 families within our community. In addition, our TU School Nutrition Department’s annual Christmas service project is the Heritage Women’s Center. That project will end on Thursday, so we don’t have the totals yet; but it is obvious that the outpouring of generosity from our staff and students is just incredible!


Recognition of the TU Board of Education:


1. At the December Georgia School Boards Association (GSBA) Conference, the Thomaston-Upson Board of Education received the Leading Edge Award. This award recognizes the district’s excellence in the category of Culture, Climate & Organizational Efficacy for developing "safe, orderly, supportive learning environments built on respect and encouragement where all individuals believe they can make a positive difference.” The nomination for the Leading Edge Award highlighted the Thomaston-Upson Safety & Security Program, which allows staff, students, and the greater community to invest in the safety of the school district. This program provides staff and students with the resources, knowledge, and training necessary to respond to all emergency situations. The T-U Safety and Security Program is a multi-dimensional program that includes the following initiatives: technology; facility and construction; awareness; preparedness and prevention; behavioral & emotional health and wellness; and community partnerships. Congratulations to the Thomaston-Upson Board of Education for this outstanding recognition.


2. In addition to the Leading Edge Award, the Thomaston-Upson Board of Education was recognized as a 2023 Exemplary Board. Exemplary Board status is the highest level in


board governance within the state of Georgia. The GA School Boards Association (GSBA) developed this board recognition program to reflect the state standards, which offer school boards additional ways to increase their effectiveness. The State Board of Education developed the state standards for governance that form the foundation for GSBA’s awards and recognition program. The GSBA Board Recognition Program requires a high level of commitment from school boards and individual members. The ultimate goal is to provide a platform based on governance standards, which challenges boards, but creates a culture of success for students and communities. The Thomaston-Upson Board of Education was one of the original few to achieve this distinction when the recognition program was initiated and has continued to maintain this distinction year after year. Congratulation Thomaston-Upson Board of Education!


3. I have one final recognition from the December GSBA conference. The GSBA Service Award highlights school board members’ dedication and service to the community, and I want to congratulate Ms. Jacqueline Hollis for receiving the GSBA Service Award pin for 35 years of service to the Thomaston-Upson County School System. This alone is quite an accomplishment, but I want to add that during her 35 years of service, we think Ms. Hollis has only missed 1 regular monthly Board of Education meeting. Congratulations and thank you for your service, Ms. Hollis!

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